About Me

I am a board certified family medicine physician, soon to also be certified in preventive medicine. As of September 1st, 2022 I will be a primary care physician with Emory Healthcare in Decatur, Georgia and a faculty member of the Emory School of Medicine in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine. My professional interests include population health, quality improvement, data-driven preventive medicine, and advocacy around reproductive justice, immigrant and refugee rights, and poverty reduction initiatives.

Salt Lake City, Utah is home originally (love the mountains, not wild about snow). My large family is mostly spread across Louisiana, Texas, and California (as well as several other states). I am always reading up on the latest news in international politics–usually via the BBC. If you want to have a conversation about refugee resettlement policy, healthcare reform, or philosophy of technology then please call me and we can chat over coffee.

On a more personal note, I love to cook for other people. I also enjoy science fiction, expressionist art, and warm socks.

Twitter: @DrSarahATL

Emory Department of Family and Preventive Medicine